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Video Ads For Advertising and Marketing Campaigns

Consumers like video content because it’s easy to understand, interactive and engaging. Marketers like it because it can communicate layered concepts and has the potential to fetch much higher returns.

While a professional quality, live-shoot video can take many days to produce, most social media and video ads on the Internet only require basic tooling and a few hours to produce.

This not only makes it lighter on the pocket, it also gives marketers the ability to churn out impactful video content one after another.

Types of video campaigns

Social media is replete with video content. Here we will break it down from the perspective of a business or a corporation.

That means we will exclude videos used for entertainment, infotainment and personal branding.

Explainer videos on how to use a product

1. Explainers:

These are instructional videos that guide consumers and customers on how to use a product or service and what they should expect from it. 96% of people say they’ve watched an explainer video to learn more about a product or service.

Product videos and demos in online advertising

2. Product videos and demos:

These are the core marketing videos that aim to evangelize a product or service and talk about its benefits.

Benefits of interviews and discussions in video marketing

3. Interviews and discussions:

These cover everything from a panel discussion to a fireside chat with a key stakeholder. Here you have the chance to showcase special guests and cover critical subjects. You can also turn the audio from such events into a podcast and market it separately.

What is a Brand Testimonial Video

4. Testimonials and results:

These are also part of the marketing arsenal where your best customers talk about your product and service and become evangelists for your brand. Having your customers talk about your brand can be more impactful than a brand or product video.

Live-streaming in Video Advertising

5. Live-streams:

An up and coming type of video where events are shown live on social media channels. There is no editing or scripting. This can be impactful if you have a knack for creating impromptu experiences. That’s why in recent times “Stories” and “Reels” are the most popular form o f video ad consumed by the users after YouTube videos.

 Video Marketing for Google Search Ranking

1. Search engines love videos

Cisco’s internet report suggests that by 2021, close to 80% of internet traffic will be driven by videos. Search engines and social media look at videos as high-quality content and promote them.

Videos as a marketing and advertising tool

2. Keeping up with competition

Hubspot reports that 85% of businesses use videos as a marketing and advertising tool. That’s probably because about 9 in 10 video marketers reported a consistently positive ROI from videos.

Build brand awareness through live steaming

3. Keeping it live and dynamic

Another critical finding in Cisco’s internet report is the contribution of live streaming to website traffic and business discovery. By 2021, live streams will drive 13% of all internet traffic.

70% of people prefer YouTube live streaming over other platforms.

This is an indicator of the importance of doing organic content and placing ads on the stories segments of Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook and YouTube.
Such content is also great from the perspective of offering a face-to-face interaction, building brand awareness and creating a consumer connect.

Drive conversions with Video Ad Campaigns

4. Video ads for website traffic helps with conversions

Social media today’s report on video content says that

  • 90% of consumers say that video helps them make purchasing decisions.
  • Mention of video in the email subject line increases open rate by 19%.
  • Video on landing pages increase traffic and bumps up conversions by 80%.
This doesn’t come across as a surprise because videos have an ability to “show” instead of just “telling” and this is critical in tipping the balances.

Video marketing is a hit among mobile viewers

5. Video works great for mobile users

As mobile and internet penetration increases and gets cheaper, so will content consumption on mobile devices?
Per a recent report, 90% of consumers watch videos on their phones. Youtube reports a 100% jump in video consumption on mobile devices. With increased ownership of mobile devices, video consumption is only going to increase and this warrants a high emphasis on video content.

Grow business with Digital Marketing

6. Video generates more social shares

Wordstream reports that 92% of users watching videos on their personal devices are likely to share it with their friends?
If you are looking at virality then video content should be your go-to tool. If the video is engaging, snappy and strikes a chord with your audience, then you have got most bases covered.

Get qualified leads with Video Advertising

7. Lead generation channel

Video ads for lead generation get 66% more qualified leads than any other content type. This improved quality of leads can be due to the fact that videos educate customers about the product and brand. Hence, a decision on whether or not to engage is more informed. This has a direct impact on the conversion ratio.?
Additionally, 93% video marketers say they have obtained a new customer when they run video ads for social media.

In summary, with competition on social media and digital advertising gathering pace, it’s important to change strategies and tactics. Using videos in your ad and organic content is an up and coming way to improve your results and meet your business goals. You can easily achieve this by using Mediaqart to run video ads on digital platforms like Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.

Mediaqart is an all-in-one advertising platform that lets you run ads across Facebook, Google, Instagram, YouTube and more from one single place! To know more about the various types of video ads which are available on our platform and which is best suited for your business, you can speak to one of our ad experts.